5 02, 2013

Sleep is good.

By |2013-02-05T20:12:59-05:00February 5th, 2013|Blog|0 Comments

Sleep and work. We spend more time doing these two activities than anything else in life. The need for a good night’s sleep is evident in the number of medications, therapies and sleep aids that promulgate the market. But we do not need advertising to tell us what we already know – a bad night’s [...]

22 11, 2012

Thoughts for the New Nurse

By |2012-11-22T22:48:46-05:00November 22nd, 2012|Blog|1 Comment

1. Lay hands on your patient as often as you can – not just for auscultation or checking an armband as you dispense meds; see them, and know they are probably afraid 2. Sometimes a back rub or a foot massage offers more relief than a Vicodin – warm the lotion first 3. Respect your [...]

2 10, 2012

I See How It Is

By |2012-10-02T20:54:20-04:00October 2nd, 2012|Blog|Comments Off on I See How It Is

Occasionally, rarely, I have an “ah-ha” moment. This is one of those moments. Today I engaged in a very interesting back and forth with a nurse-turned-attorney who was polling LNC fees across the country. He lives in a very economically depressed part of the U.S., and attorneys are loath to spend even 30/hr for a [...]

11 07, 2012


By |2012-07-11T11:03:20-04:00July 11th, 2012|Blog|Comments Off on Blessings

I am blessed, and if you are reading this right now, you are also blessed. We both have electricity, internet access, computers, an education, and by default, the ability, or at least the opportunity, to “make something of ourselves”. I forget about that sometimes, but all it takes is a little change to remind me. [...]

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