About Alice Adams

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So far Alice Adams has created 55 blog entries.

Plea(s) and Thank You

By |2011-02-22T21:52:23-05:00February 22nd, 2011|Blog|

It is Friday.  Your phone rings at 3 pm and a desperate attorney needs an expert by Monday morning.  In reality, he identified the need for an expert weeks ago, but the search was postponed in hopes of mediation or a settlement that did not occur. Or.  Your own deadline is looming and you know [...]

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Merit in an Upside-down World

By |2010-09-25T16:42:35-04:00September 25th, 2010|Blog|

As practicing nurses, we take care of the sick, observe them for declines in condition, and rectify the wrongs done by others as a matter of course.  If we put our patients first on a busy shift, our hands are literally full – too full, sometimes, to pick up a pen and document the care [...]

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The Paper Patient

By |2010-07-09T18:49:33-04:00July 9th, 2010|Blog|

There is no substitute for laying eyes on a patient. In the quest to cut medical costs with paper reviews, we risk becoming a medical society that spends less time seeing patients in the office and more time looking at them on paper. Just how accurate is a paper review of a patient? Second opinions [...]

What does your attorney need?

By |2010-06-11T16:25:00-04:00June 11th, 2010|Blog|

You should ask this question at the start of each new attorney-client relationship. I am not referring to the attorney’s area of specialization or their orientation towards defense or plaintiff work. I am speaking about their business and personal preferences, their personality, their desires. Despite having your own (no doubt strong) personality, you must adapt [...]

Here’s Who’s Looking at You, Kid

By |2010-03-28T22:56:00-04:00March 28th, 2010|Blog|

Legal nurses, like expert witnesses, attorneys and politicians, are only as credible as their public image. While we have faith in the integrity of our friends and fellow professionals, we are not immune to the intentional harm inflicted by others. Most of us unwittingly sow the seeds of our own demise. We engage in light-hearted [...]

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