About Alice Adams

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So far Alice Adams has created 55 blog entries.

“The only consultations I have with Alice are challenging” – Stephen C.

By |2021-05-09T17:58:24-04:00October 28th, 2011|Testimonials|

On a broad range of matters involving serious medical-legal issues over the past five years, I have had the pleasure to consult with Alice Adams. I have worked with similar consultants, both in-house and outside this firm, and therefore have a valid basis of comparison. She provided an eleventh hour consultation in a high profile [...]

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The Typical LNC

By |2011-08-10T13:21:25-04:00August 10th, 2011|Blog|

Would you like to know what it takes to be a legal nurse consultant? The average LNC will be a nurse with a minimum of five, preferably more, years of clinical experience in the hospital/OR/ICU/CCU or nurse case manager arena. This nurse is intelligent, competent, independent, confident, and willing to try something new despite misgivings. [...]

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When Nurses Trump Physicians

By |2011-06-27T18:27:56-04:00June 27th, 2011|Blog|

Who could question any MD’s intellectual ability to review a medical record? But physicians do not think like nurses. In hospitals, they assess medical conditions; listen to the observations of support personnel, order the care they believe is appropriate, and move on to the next patient. If all errors arose from the wrong order or a misdiagnosis, [...]

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First Impressions

By |2011-03-19T15:14:48-04:00March 19th, 2011|Blog|

A nurse’s comment on last week’s blog prompted this week’s content. She asked me how an attorney could be impressed by her writing style if she had never submitted a report for his review. The reality is that others form opinions of us with the first contact that occurs, whether that is through verbal or [...]

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The Sickest People I Know are Nurses

By |2011-03-05T10:33:29-05:00March 5th, 2011|Blog|

It is true. These are legal nurse consultants, working at the limits of their physical capacity, and never complaining about aches, pains or the horrible nausea from chemotherapy. I have known some LNC ‘s for years before they told me they had cancer or Crohn’s or a debilitating orthopedic condition. I am fortunate to be [...]

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