About Alice Adams

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So far Alice Adams has created 55 blog entries.

Privacy and Injury designed to attract people

By |2012-05-01T08:13:18-04:00May 1st, 2012|Blog|

Relying upon their wives for financial survival of the family is an emasculating experience. Those men, whose income was based upon one or concurrent manual labor positions, now remain at home, attending doctor visits and going to various therapies. They saw themselves as robust fellows, using their hands in good, honest labor. They will tell [...]

“Alice has an eye for detail” – J. Matthew D.

By |2021-05-09T17:58:24-04:00March 22nd, 2012|Testimonials|

Alice has an eye for detail that, when combined with her desire to provide the best possible service, assures that the services are timely, expert and helpful. In those matters on which I have worked with Alice, I have been impressed with her candor, the dispatch with which she handles her cases and the final [...]

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Maximizing Your LinkedIn Presence

By |2012-03-14T12:01:48-04:00March 14th, 2012|Blog|

Everyone here probably knows about LinkedIn, is on LinkedIn, or thinking about joining. It's very easy to do, but not everyone does it well. Here are a few tips from personal experience. To me, groups are the heart and soul of LinkedIn. Joining a group says you are interested in the topic area and gives [...]

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The Words We Choose Do Matter

By |2011-12-17T22:19:17-05:00December 17th, 2011|Blog|

Words reflect knowledge and experience, and how you put those words together in a sentence indicates the work product you can provide to an attorney. This is such an important issue that attorneys are constantly learning about the best way to write a brief, develop a line of questioning for depositions, or structure interrogatories to [...]

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“I highly recommend Alice Adams for any consulting role” – Rhonda Haney

By |2021-05-09T17:58:24-04:00October 28th, 2011|Testimonials|

"Alice Adams is one of the most professional, goal-directed nurse and Legal Nurse Consultant I have had the privilege of working with. Her energy and enthusiasm as the Atlanta AALNC Chapter President is unrivaled. Her efforts to educate, inspire, and encourage LNCs is contagious. She always looks for ways to be an inclusive leader and [...]

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