About Alice Adams

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So far Alice Adams has created 55 blog entries.

I See How It Is

By |2012-10-02T20:54:20-04:00October 2nd, 2012|Blog|

Occasionally, rarely, I have an “ah-ha” moment. This is one of those moments. Today I engaged in a very interesting back and forth with a nurse-turned-attorney who was polling LNC fees across the country. He lives in a very economically depressed part of the U.S., and attorneys are loath to spend even 30/hr for a [...]

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By |2012-07-11T11:03:20-04:00July 11th, 2012|Blog|

I am blessed, and if you are reading this right now, you are also blessed. We both have electricity, internet access, computers, an education, and by default, the ability, or at least the opportunity, to “make something of ourselves”. I forget about that sometimes, but all it takes is a little change to remind me. [...]

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Closed Head Injuries & Strokes: A Primer for the Legal Professional

By |2012-05-25T14:09:49-04:00May 25th, 2012|Blog|

Head injuries or brain damage can occur anywhere - in the workplace, in an MVA, in medical malpractice, toxic torts, a domestic fall, and environmental exposures. In order to put post-injury impairment into perspective, it is important to know who the patient was prior to injury.

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An assessment of the skills and qualifications of Alice Adams

By |2021-05-09T17:58:24-04:00May 22nd, 2012|Testimonials|

I am writing this letter as an assessment of the skills and qualifications of Alice Adams. I deal heavily in litigation and am especially involved with medical assessments, medical treatment, and medical issues. I worked with Ms. Adams first-hand in a case involving detailed medical issues and a segregation of medical problems, which were trauma-related [...]

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“Mrs. Adams’ opinions helped form a basic theory of our case” – William F. Foster, II

By |2021-05-09T17:58:24-04:00May 22nd, 2012|Testimonials|

Mrs. Adams' opinions helped form a basic theory of our case and as a result, a favorable verdict was entered at trial. The Foster Law Firm can enthusiastically recommend Mrs. Adams for nursing standard of care review in potential litigation matters. William F. Foster, II - December 30, 2005

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Getting too much sleep – Dr. David Adams

By |2012-05-06T09:01:10-04:00May 6th, 2012|Other|

Among chronic pain patients, dependent upon the research study, between 50% and 90% of the patients report sleep problems, sleep deprivation, insomnia, restlessness, nightmares and other complaints. Some of this is naturally emerging due to the impact of pain upon the sleep cycle. Equally as often, the use of narcotics for pain creates poor sleep [...]

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