About Alice Adams

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So far Alice Adams has created 55 blog entries.

Stroke and CHI – Key Concepts

By |2015-02-07T15:33:47-05:00February 7th, 2015|Blog|

Head injuries or brain damage can occur anywhere - in the workplace, in an MVA, in medical malpractice, toxic torts, a domestic fall, and environmental exposures. Litigated head injuries generally arise from two sources: 1. Accidents a. blunt trauma (fall, violent blow or MVA) b. penetrating trauma (gunshot) 2. Medical causation (stroke) a. ischemic (a [...]

The Autopsy – A Dying Recommendation

By |2014-07-31T21:06:50-04:00July 31st, 2014|Blog|

In recent decades, there has been a marked drop in autopsy requests. In the distant past, any death within the first 24 hours of admission triggered an autopsy. Any unexplained death in or out of the hospital; any accidental death with questionable etiology required an autopsy. JCAHO required 20% of hospital deaths to undergo autopsy [...]

Handling an Epidemic – Dr. David Adams

By |2014-05-06T09:05:16-04:00May 6th, 2014|Other|

Epidemic: Risky prescribing practices have resulted in an epidemic of opioid misuse, abuse, and harm.  Poor and outdated teaching, research and prescribing methods contribute greatly to this. “There’s been over 200,000 deaths from prescription opioids, hundreds of thousands of overdose admissions, and millions are addicted or dependent on prescription opioids.  …while some patients don’t meet the [...]

LNCC and CLNC – What do these initials mean, really?

By |2014-01-19T19:11:18-05:00January 19th, 2014|Blog|

Attorneys are practical professionals. They seek a legal nurse who consistently delivers an excellent work product and sound opinions. They also recognize that certification should be an indicator of experience and expertise in a nurse. Although LNCC and CLNC are often thought of as interchangeable, even by some nurses, they are not synonymous. Brace yourself [...]

Chronology Writing at It’s Best

By |2014-01-10T19:13:00-05:00January 10th, 2014|Blog|

Encarta Dictionary: English (North America) chronology (noun) 1. Order of events: the order in which events occur, or their arrangement according to this order.] This simple definition is what many professionals conceptualize when they think “chronology”. If only it were that simple. This is how not to do a chronology: • Enter every doctor’s order, [...]

How do others see you?

By |2014-01-10T19:11:13-05:00January 10th, 2014|Blog|

Attorneys place value on their time. If you call or visit and they do not see a need for you right then and there, they are going to say things like “I’ll keep your information on file”, or they may be “busy” when you call to schedule an appointment. This is not personal; they are concentrating their time and attention where they perceive a need, and right now, you are not it.

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